Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Indian probe set to impact moon surface

An Indian Impacter is set to hit the moon's surface sometime later
this week. The information gained from this experiment will help India
in it's own manned mission to the moon in 2010.

You can read the article at


Monday, November 10, 2008

Step 5: Burn the image

If you created the image with Xbox Backup Creator, you do not need to
patch the image or include any other steps. You can now switch to the
write tab, select your dvd burned, insert your DVD+R DL disk into the
drive and hit start.

It will then ask you to select the image you want to burn from. Open
it and you are A for away. Noe I suggest going out and mowing the laws
because this step will take 40 minutes. Only burn at 2.4x to ensure



Nearly done. Xbox Backup Creator is now adding special filler layers
and video layers to make the disk play back on Xbox 360 consoles.

Still sitting back